These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.



Just a quick note for Nanaki to read if she comes on before I get back and wonders where I am, which she probably will.

I've gone down to Middle Lounge to study for my calc test.. I should be back around 9 - 10pm eastern.

This post will be deleted upon my return.


Drink: Tea. But It's gone cold.

Music: Various Bond movie themes

Work: I'm supposed to be studying for my Discrete Math. Finished the weekly physics assignment.

I was talking to the one whom Nanaki-chan has dubbed "My American" . . . and listening to my Bond themes CD. Dangerous combination. I noticed that most of them sound like they'd make good Weiß Kreuz videos. So I went and fit every Bond Theme (except for the instrumental one - On Her Majesty's Secret Service and The James Bond Theme of course. ) with various Weiß Charas that I think they fit. Here are the results:


  • Man with the Golden Gun
  • Live and let Die
  • A View to a Kill
  • Thunderball
  • The Living Daylights
  • Liscence to Kill


  • Goldeneye
  • Nobody Does it Better
  • You Only Live Twice
  • For Your Eyes Only
  • All Time High


  • We Have All the Time in the World


  • From Russia With Love


  • Moonraker

Manx and Birman

  • Diamonds are Forever


  • Die Another Day


  • The World is Not Enough


  • Goldfinger


  • Tomorrow Never Dies

That is all.


Another HTML test!

HTML test!

As promised, here are all the juicy details about my weekend.

Friday had started out like any other friday, with one exception. My chemistry lab that day was my last one EVER, provided I pass chemistry! It was otherwise uneventful. After the lab I went back to my room to drop off my lab coat, and pick up my purse. Then I headed back to the other residence to catch the mall bus. As I passed the mailboxes on the way over, I decided to check mine. Guess what I found there? MAKO-CHAN'S LETTER! It finally got to me! I then realized what had taken so long. She had forgotten to put the name of my residence on it. Oh well! Next time!... I read the letter while I was waiting for the bus, and it made my day.

After a good two hours of bargain hunting, I found a nice pair for cheap. ^-^ I took them back and headed up to the rez classroom building for choir practice for the christmas mass the next day.

Saturday was the christmas banquet. The hardest part about getting ready was figuring out what to do with my hair. At 7:00 pm we sat down to dinner. The food was average, but the cake was AMAZING. Damn good cake. The rest of the evening went the same way any other dance-related activities do in rez.

Sunday, I got up at around 12:30 - 1:00 pm. I spent the day studying for the chemistry test I had today, stopping only to eat, make more caffeinated hot beverages, talk to my mother and exchange KK presents. The gal from across the hall (one of them, anyway) had me. I got a cell-phone stand that's supposed to light up but doesn't, and a bitty jewelry box that looks like a dresser. Once again, it took me till about 10:30 - 11:00 pm to finish.

Next on my agenda: studying for the discrete math test on wednesday. I had some Mr Noodles a little while ago but it came with some weird-ass soup stock that I found disgusting, so I actually THREW a third of it OUT. I'm considering making some tea after I finish typing here. I'd make coffee, but dragging my coffeemaker to the bathroom is a pain sometimes.

*decides to drag her ass to the bathroom and make coffee anyway*



I took this little test online to see how I'd fit into the world of HP, and SEE what I got!

Dumbledore AND Fawkes! How oddly appropriate is that?


Drink: Tea

Music: Ocean Song, Truth and other Weiss songs.

Work: Physics lab, Physics Assignment

Well, today was Rememberance Day. Also known as Veterans Day to all you Americans reading this.

At 11 am today, I was in my Physics class. At a few minutes after 11, the Doc decides to pause for a moment, and this is what he said:

Well, today is Rememberance day, and normally about now we'd take a moment of silence to remember all those around your age who died during world wars 1, 2, and 3... that is the one in Afghanistan, and such. But I'm not going to today.

And with that, he continued on with his lecture on sound waves. Now, with all due respect, my university DID hold a ceremony today, in the student centre at 11. I just couldn't be there, since I was in physics class. I thought that the Physics comment merited mention.

On to other news. It turns out Ari-chan was just "hard bouncing".... I sent reactivation request and now it's all worked out. ^-^... and that's about it for today.

getting back to work



I still haven't caught Ari-chan online since she left all of the groups she's in that I know of, and I must say, I'm getting worried. She seemed pretty enthused about HPDB the last time I talked to her, and now she's gone. Did she do it on purpose, or was it all a mistake? I'm starting to wonder. If you're reading this Ari, IM or EMAIL ME! (Maybe I should do the same, ne?) I just hope that it'll turn out to be one big mistake and she'll be like "Oh SHIT!" the next time I see her and go rejoin again.

Until she does, FushigiAkugi has no owner! I'm a mod with a lot of priviledges, but I can't set moderator privileges, or grant moderatorhood. So if she DOES rejoin and they don't automatically make Ari-chan the owner, than we'll have to go and bitch at Yahoo, or go and relocate AGAIN!

*stomach is tying itself into a nice tight knot*

I go email Ari now!


HTML test!


Drink: water

Music: "American Pie" ~Don McLean

Work: Computer Science Project

Yo! I have a really stupid project this week. First we have to 'write' a program based on an example in our textbook for which the algorithm is already typed, as well as the Runner Class, and secondly, we have to 'write' a program for which there is a completed example in the book, with only a slight difference. *sweatdrop*

Gues what else happened today? I got up at the unGODLY hour (well, ungodly for a university student) of 9 AM only to find out that my ONE class of the day had been cancelled. AND I missed seeing Drew today..... I just drank my coffee and ate my muffin and looked at the pretty posters in yet another poster sale (this one had only ONE anime poster there. . . and I didn't even recognise it) and then came back here and cleaned my room, and typed up two weeks' worth of Comp Sci notes.

So Now I'm here reading the chapter in my Comp Sci book wondering what the Doc was on when he wrote the assignment. Oh well. I'm not about to complain about an easy assingment. It gives me more time to work on the program I'm writing for Nanaki. ^ - ^

PS: I did see Drew. He stopped by my room later. Apparently he slept in. ALARM CLOCKS, Drew-kun!

Getting back to work. . .


Well, after a bit more tinkering, I finally got the links to look the way I want them.


Well, yesterday was the hallowe'en party. My rez had a pumpkin carving contest before pub night. Our pumpkin didn't win.

There were lots of cool costumes at the pub, and then again, there were some were just overdone. Kewl costumes included: Beetlejuice, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, Sumo wrestlers, and the winners of the costume contest, the Ghostbusters, complete with nametags. They looked PERFECT! They requested the Ghostbusters theme, and everyone sang along to it.

Overdone costumes were: Cowboys and Cowgirls, Playboy bunnies, Devils and Witches. Next year I'm gonna go as an anime character even if I have to go as someone stupid just so people will recognise who I am. That's the good thing about living in rez. You don't have to take younger siblings trick-or-treating, and you don't have to dish out candy.