These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.



I still haven't caught Ari-chan online since she left all of the groups she's in that I know of, and I must say, I'm getting worried. She seemed pretty enthused about HPDB the last time I talked to her, and now she's gone. Did she do it on purpose, or was it all a mistake? I'm starting to wonder. If you're reading this Ari, IM or EMAIL ME! (Maybe I should do the same, ne?) I just hope that it'll turn out to be one big mistake and she'll be like "Oh SHIT!" the next time I see her and go rejoin again.

Until she does, FushigiAkugi has no owner! I'm a mod with a lot of priviledges, but I can't set moderator privileges, or grant moderatorhood. So if she DOES rejoin and they don't automatically make Ari-chan the owner, than we'll have to go and bitch at Yahoo, or go and relocate AGAIN!

*stomach is tying itself into a nice tight knot*

I go email Ari now!


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