These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.


This random silliness is brought to you by Guardian Yugi's LiveJournal:

Playlist Quiz In My Pants!
[1] Shuffle your playlist randomly
[2] Pick the first 10 songs and add "In my pants" to the end of the song title
[3] Post this in your Blog!

1) Weiß - Glühen in my Pants
2) Weiß - Bloody Valentine in my Pants
3) Gravitation - Welcome to my Romance in my Pants
4) Simon & Garfunkel - Cecelia in my Pants.
5) The Proclaimers - 500 Miles in my Pants.
6) Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life in my Pants.
7) Gravitation - Super Drive in my Pants.
8) Moxy Fruvous - Darlington Darling in my Pants.
9) The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in my Pants.
10) Weiß - Velvet Underworld in my Pants.



Long time no blog. (Looky, Mako-chan! I'm posting!)

Anywhoo.. updates. Last semester in a nutshell.
I passed all my courses. I did really well in Internet Tools and Theory of Computing. I got a low 60 in Operating Systems, which is the best I could have hoped for. I didn't do as well in C++ as I'd hoped, but that's because the stupid email server wouldn't send my attachment.

Alice Cooper was really cool, but T-shirts and posters were expensive so I bought a keychain, which broke in February.

This semester I'm at a co-op with the School of Nursing. I'm building websites again. This time I get an office in the department, but I'm sharing with my supervisor. It's been slow, but it's easy, and I'm being paid more than I was last time, so I'm happy.

I bought a PS2 in early January, along with used copies of FFX (Which I'm really enjoying thus far) and GTA3 (Which I usually only mess around on). On Saturday, I found FFI and FFII together on one disc, for PS1, and I got that, too. I just started FF1, and I'm finding it to be amusingly primitive and a tad frustrating so far.

Last Saturday was also Year End Banquet, which was fun. My friends weren't nearly as trashed this year as they were last year, so I didn't end up having to drunk-sit again. They didn't really have a DJ, so much as a guy from rez with the biggest CD collection, but it was fun.

I'm going home for easter this weekend, leaving on Thursday afternoon after work. I'll be back on Monday afternoon. Two four-day work weeks! w00t! The good news is, I can take my FF1 disc and my memory card and play on my sister's PS1. Even if it IS painted over with gawd-awful nail polish. >.< I'm never letting her get near mine.

And yeah, in case you haven't noticed, I'm overcompensating for my FF-deprivation up to this point by starting a collection. It'll be easy, since all the old games have been re-released for $25 a pop.

My American has re-surfaced to the world of the internet, and we've got an RP going with a few(relatively) new charas of mine, A vampire named Kyuuketsuki (Kyuu for short. Wow, I'm creative) and a human named Xalen. She's also a great help when it comes to my drawing. I asked her to nitpick my latest drawing for me while it was still in the early stages, and it's really helped. So Thanks a lot, Aki-mai!

I've been hanging out with a girl from Anime Club a lot lately. She's a local, and is pretty fun to be around.

As far as Anime goes, I've been watching Naruto, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Yami no Matsuei, Mobile Suit Gundam, Gundam 0083, Gundam Seed ( found it in Japanese.. and yes, I'm watching all the old Gundam series, too), Saiyuki, and Saiyuki Reload. I'm sure there's more, but it escapes me at the moment.

If you'll check my devART, you'll notice I've had a lot of ideas and requests lately. The thing is, my Kyuu/Xalen pic is taking so long (and I haven't worked on it at ALL this week) that it's holding everything up. I'll take my stuff home for easter, and hopefully I can get a few of those requests done then. The easy ones, like Ayan-squished-by-volleyball and stuff. Bishounen-ifying Mikah will probably take the longest, since I want him to turn out REALLY good.

I'll try and post more often, even if it IS just me complaining about how frustrating whatever game I'm playing is. ^^;