Drink: Tea
Music: Ocean Song, Truth and other Weiss songs.
Work: Physics lab, Physics Assignment
Well, today was Rememberance Day. Also known as Veterans Day to all you Americans reading this.
At 11 am today, I was in my Physics class. At a few minutes after 11, the Doc decides to pause for a moment, and this is what he said:
Well, today is Rememberance day, and normally about now we'd take a moment of silence to remember all those around your age who died during world wars 1, 2, and 3... that is the one in Afghanistan, and such. But I'm not going to today.
And with that, he continued on with his lecture on sound waves. Now, with all due respect, my university DID hold a ceremony today, in the student centre at 11. I just couldn't be there, since I was in physics class. I thought that the Physics comment merited mention.
On to other news. It turns out Ari-chan was just "hard bouncing".... I sent reactivation request and now it's all worked out. ^-^... and that's about it for today.
getting back to work
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