Another HTML test!
New Layout Test!
See? I did put up a link to Nanaki's blog.... and the blog we just started that we BOTH post to (heaven help our readers) AND links to both our websites. Now to update Timbitz' links page. ^^;
Why are you wasting your time here? You could be having sex with . . .
Which Weiß Kreuz guy could you be having sex with?
HA! Those who know me will tell you this is no big surprise. ^ - ^; I got the quiz from Nanaki (like I said, I'll link to her blog SOON.. probably wednesday.)so I took it for the heck of it.
I''m thinking of putting up a quotes section... Yohji's best and worst pickup lines will be up there first, and maybe best and worst of the rest later. I'm also thinking of redoing the look of Timbitz.. but that's only if time permits.
HEY! Here's a thought. if I AM Yohji and I'm FUCKING Yohji, does that mean I'm just screwing myself?
I'll leave you with that pleasant thought.

I'm Yohji!
Which Weiß Kreuz Gluhen character are you?
I took this quiz after finding it on Nanaki's blog. (I'll link to it soon).. I ended up being like Yohji, big surprise. ^^; You should see some of the options:
Who's your favorite Schwartz Member?
Possible Answer
Schuldich, because I'd really like to do...Hey, this is a trick question, isn't it?
Another interesting fact: Sena's image flower is the pansy. *snickers*
At the moment I am:
Drinking: Hot Chocolate
Listening to: Slayers, Give a Reason
Doing: Checking email, then a Comp Sci assignment.
I hit the poster sale. If you ever wanted a GitS, DBZ or Akira poster, you were in heaven. If you ever wanted any other anime poster, forget it. *sweatdrop* I did find some funny posters, though. I ended up with:
"101 Ways to say No"
"Shakespeare and the Art of Insults"
And a very droolworthy black and white photo of Pierce Brosnan as James Bond.. it's the closest thing I could find to Weiß, and come on, it's JAMES BOND! They also had Sean Connery as Bond in the same pose, but due to lack of funds, it remained for sale.
As for my assignment, this is something I might actually like. We have to draw a pie chart (boring) and then a work of art of our own creation. Or as the Prof put it, an "art of work" *snicker*
I plan on doing a Nakami chibi. Me and a dude I know have been being sneaky and found out how to use the GradientPaint and the ArcTo command, which will make life easier, but if you don't know Java, this will mean nothing to you. Oh well.. if it turns out nice, I will post it up here. ^-^
Getting back to work now.
At the moment I am:
Drinking: Tea, Orange Pekoe, Hot
Doing: Chemistry Lab
Listening To: Superstar ~ Andrew Lloyd Webber
Guess what I got over the thanksgiving weekend? A polar fleese Yohji-shirt! I was shopping with my mom and she picks something up for me to try. It's a navy blue shirt, it buttons up, has long sleeves and breast pockets. It goes down to about butt-level. I try it on and we both agree it looks good, so I buy it. It never occurred to me until I got back to Rez and wore it one day that it was EXACTLY like Yohji's traditional Flower-shop shirt, except made of Polar Fleece instead of the cotton I presume his shirt is made out of. In fact, I'm wearing it again now. ^-^ That means I have TWO Weiss shirts now: I have a red-orange Aya sweater and a Polar Fleese Yohji shirt...
This is TOO KEWL!
I have a computer assignment to draw something with Java. I plan on making a Nakami Chibi. If it works, you can bet I'm gonna screencap it and post it up here.
Okay, I'm getting back to my lab now.
I had a weird idea for a crossover fic a while ago. Weiss and The Pretender.
It sprung from the thought that Rosenkreuz reminds me of The Centre alot. Rosenkreuz is the place where Schwartz was trained how to use their powers. The Centre is where Jarod was trained to become Pretender.
Before I continue: the definition of "Pretender" : A genius who can become anyone he/she wants to be. For example:
Lady: Are you a Doctor?
Jarod: I am today
~ The Pretender, Season 1, Episode 1
Anywhoo, the Centre is run by this international organization headed by "the triumvirate"... That reminded me of Esset and the three old farts. So what if the three old farts of Esset ARE The Triumvirate, and The Centre is just an American Rosenkreuz (or does that mean Rosenkreuz is a german Centre?)
Told you it was wierd
You know you're a total Weiß nut when:
- You watch Fushigi Yuugi and:
- Tamahome somehow becomes Schuldig, and he's up to something.
- Hotohori is Aya-kun's past life
- Keisuke is really just a young version of Yohji
- You expect Chichiri to sprout Wolverine-esque Claws
- You think it's odd that Chiriko doesn't sound like Omi.
Yeah, guess what I decided to watch while I was eating lunch today...^^;
I just had a thought. It's probably kind of demented and/or mean, but here it is anyway:
You know that scene in Strafe where Ken is screaming his lungs out after the fight? It reminds me of the Klingon Death Ritual. When a warrior dies, they stand over the body and bellow like that as if to say to their equivalent of Heaven (whose name escapes me at the moment) "Watch out, a great warrior is on his way!" . . . Is that intentional, or am I reading too deep into things, and Ken's just pissed cuz he had to 'kil' his friends?
I'll bet you it's just me, but you never know. There are at least THREE hidden references in "Cut Off" that I stuck in there intentionally. If anyone reading this can give me just ONE of the three, and where I got it, I'll make you a nifty "Observant Otaku" graphic. Heck, maybe I should make that a quiz.