These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.


This random silliness is brought to you by Guardian Yugi's LiveJournal:

Playlist Quiz In My Pants!
[1] Shuffle your playlist randomly
[2] Pick the first 10 songs and add "In my pants" to the end of the song title
[3] Post this in your Blog!

1) Weiß - Glühen in my Pants
2) Weiß - Bloody Valentine in my Pants
3) Gravitation - Welcome to my Romance in my Pants
4) Simon & Garfunkel - Cecelia in my Pants.
5) The Proclaimers - 500 Miles in my Pants.
6) Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life in my Pants.
7) Gravitation - Super Drive in my Pants.
8) Moxy Fruvous - Darlington Darling in my Pants.
9) The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds in my Pants.
10) Weiß - Velvet Underworld in my Pants.


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