These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.



I've found some workout buddies. Nancy, Jos and I are going to start running around the track after work. I'm glad - I really need to get in shape. My only complaint is that they're forecasting a thunderstorm for the day we're supposed to start. (Today)

My art has been progressing very slowly lately. Maybe I'm multi-tasking too much, but my works-in-progress are taking a long time to finish. I should just turn off the TV for an evening, and go at it with nothing but Photoshop open and Winamp/the Radio playing.

I want to hurry up and finish these, so I can move onto something else. I really want to set up my easel and work on the watercolour version of Kyuu. The coloured-pencil self portrait isn't coming along too well, but it's a great practice piece.

I want to take pictures around campus with my digicam and work on scenery. I want to practice realism, and specifically hands, and digital painting/colouring.

I want to make a fancy website with my own PHP scripts.

I want to practice piano more often.

My problem is I don't have time, and when I do, I lack energy. I can't force myself to work on something when I don't feel like doing anything. I'm going to try and change that by setting concrete goals for each time I sit down to work on my art.Tonight's is to finish my contest entry tonight.



Just a bit of ranting. Two bits of good news and two bits of bad news.

Good News: I finally have time to burn Saiyuki for Mai.
Bad News: I can't find the disc with Reload eps 12 - 25 on it.

Good News: Anime-Kraze has Gunlock eps 2 and 3 out.
Bad News: Their main tracker is down and the new tracker doesn't like the original bitTorrent client.. so I have to find another one.. but BitTornado and Azureus don't like me. BitTornado won't let me DL the installer, or run it when I manage to get it on my comp. Azureus won't connect to anything. I've gotten 0.2% so far and I've been downloading for two days.

Other Random Ranting:
My entry for the Gojyo-x-Hakkai club at devArt is giving me trouble. Darn it, why is Gojyo's hair so hard to shade?

Kyuu's hair in my Kyuu/Xalen pic is giving me trouble. And I think I may have to darken the shadows on the faces. It doesn't look like night.

And I'll probably have to start a new game in FFX and follow a walkthrough, because I swear I'm missing half the items/extras.



I went home last weekend. It was my Dad's birthday, and also, one of my aunts wanted to get the whole gang together in one place (quite a task, considering how many of us there are.) to take a picture of Grandma and the Grandkids. Which means I got to see my cousins, which is nice since I have quite a lot of them, and I hadn't seen some in ages. One of them might end up coming up here for a weekend to visit me, too, so that'll be cool.

On Sunday, I went clothes shopping, and got myself $250 worth of summer work clothes. I really like my purchases, but wow, that's the most I've spent on clothes in one trip in my life. I usually only buy a shirt here, a pair of pants there.

I also got dragged around on errands. First, we went to this shop in Toronto to get Dad his birthday presents - tools so that he can mat and frame his own photos. (Photography's his hobby - he's actually pretty good.) Then we had to get wood for the frames, and the mat boards. Here's why I came along: the mat board is at Curry's.. the art supply store I went to until they closed their store in my hometown. I ended up with a purse-sized sketchbook, two flesh-coloured and two colourless coloured pencils. Then we went to Costco to get his cake, where I got a cheap PS2 game. A Sci-fi Action/RPG type game. (Galerians:Ash. It seems like a sequel. I should find the original if I can.) It seems pretty neat so far.

So, after my weekend of splurging, I'm back in rez, where I must now get my new IP address, and hook up my computer and finish unpacking my things. They're still in boxes from when I had to move rooms for the summer. I had to be out by Friday, so all the stuff is IN the new room... it's just not hooked up.

I've been exploring the dAmn chat rooms lately. I've mostly been hanging out at one called "YaoiFanGirls" that has some nice people in it. I've come up with a few charas for the RP there pretty quickly. I've never made charas that fast. Then again, these charas don't have backstories the way Kyuu and Xalen do. Not yet. I came up with a head design for my newest one in my mini-sketchbook over the weekend. I should scan it and add it to my scraps at devArt.

My parents and sister have sattelite TV now! No fair! At least it seems the rez is letting me keep my basic cable over the summer, so I suppose I should be happy for that.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to update the layout.