It's only been, what, four months? ^^;
- Going to see Alice Cooper tomorrow with a few girls from rez. Yes, tomorrow. A Tuesday.
- Couldn't find a co-op, so I'm stuck in class
- That said, Operating Systems and Theory of Computing are evil.
- C++ and Internet Tools are not.
- Going home for thanksgiving and for Fall Reading Week, which is the last week of October.
Random Thoughts:
You know what I think would be a good invention? A spell-checker that functions like a compiler: If the entire document is not spelled correctly, and does not use proper grammar, then the spell-checker will not allow the document to be saved or printed.
This would also be great to imbed into web browsers, so that every email and every forum post was spelled correctly. My sister really needs one of these.
Honestly, it'd make the world a better place.