Yeah, I should be working on the Data Structures 2 assignment. Or studying for my midterm tomorrow. The problem is that a severe lack of motivation has hit me, so I'm procrastinating instead.
I've come to the conclusion that I have WAAY too many anime pics to put up, so until GeoCities decides to give me more free space, or I get my greedy little hands on a domain, I'll probably turn RAF into a place to stash my fanfic and art and show off my HTML 'skillz'.
I also opened up a DeviantArt gallery lately. I've got a grand total of two images up. I put up a link here so check it out and please drop me a comment ^-^ I'd love to visit your gallery as well, if you have one. (Not that anyone READS my blog anyway)
I'm also on a bit of a Slayers kick and as a result got an idea for what may turn out to be the first Slayers fanfic I've done, and also, I got an idea for a fanart that I'd like to turn into wallpaper or an impromptu poster for my room in rez.
I'm almost due for a rash of birthday-present buying... and I really should write a letter to Mako-chan, but I doubt I'll have time till Machine Structures is over in a few more weeks. Sorry, Mako!
Anywhoo, back to work.