I just saw Weiß Kreuz Glühen episode 10. I can summarize it in three words. Those three words are "Yohji", "goes" and "apeshit"... the catch is, this isn't just some stupid RPG where I pulled this stunt to give us a pseudoplot, this really happened! One of these days I'll get around to writing play-by-plays for Timbitz, but at the moment it's not there. I can file transfer it to you if you want.
Forget Yohji, everyone's going apeshit. Shimojima picks up Rozenkreuz at the airport. They're all Nagi-wannabes, and almost kill Shimojima on the way to Kouwa. Omi goes nuts trying to get at his grandfather, cuz Esset's training grounds is at Kouwa, and Gramps knew that even when he suggested to Omi that they pull back, since they hadn't found anything. Tsuji wakes up all her Todo clones. Next, Omi shows up at the flower shop in person, asking them to accompany him on his last mission. He wants to bury Tsukiyono Omi and be Takatori Mamoru again... of course, they all go with him, and meet Shimojima and a slew of Z-class. Schuldig and Crawford are up on a rooftop watching the goings on, and not interfering cuz he is coming. GAWD, what is Schu wearing? He looks like a clown! Bright red pants and a bright yellow shirt with his orange hair, black hat and suspenders and a belt. (Yes, Suspenders AND a belt) Anywhoo.. the Z class is losing, and Shimojima pulls his gun on Aya and fires... but the bullet hangs in midair! It's Naoe Nagi to the Rescue! He kills the Z-class telepathically and Shimojima pulls the gun on himself, rather than let the "inferior" guys decide his fate... Skip to Tsuji where she pets the door to a Todo-clone, saying it's the original (Making it Kyou's otouto, Suzumu.)... Aya goes to attack Nagi, but Omi interferes, saying Nagi's with them now... but Nagi insists he's there to settle an old score (Schwartz on the rooftop).. then Yohji has his moment and *snap!s*... snagging Aya with his wire. He's sick of the pain of being Weiss. He wants to forget all about it, and walk away. He'll fight Aya to the death to do it. Aya, of course, says he'll oblige Yohji in that respect... only one of them will be left alive if they fight... and that's where it ends. Oh, and early on somewhere, Knight and Queen of Crashers get a phone call and a mission, but they don't say who their target is. (I think there's also a Rook, a Pawn, and one more that I can't remember.... Aya was Crashers before Weiss, FYI)
GYAAH!!! And now I have to wait Gawd-knows how many months to see the next ep? (10 down, three to go, and Sena is still alive)
As far as my job search goes, I phoned Sam at Kid U Co.. and he wasn't there. (He hasn't given me any hours yet) He'll be there tomorrow. Until then, I applied for a position at a web-developing company, and I have an appointment with an employment agency tomorrow. I keep looking and find better job. Wish me luck!
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