Things are really tense at rez. My floor chooses our rooms for next year on Tuesday of next week, and things are really getting crazy. This year's fourth years have nothing to worry about, because they're graduating and will be gone next year. The third years don't have anything to worry about, because they already have their coveted single rooms. For the second and first years, it's a whole other story.
There are two singles guaranteed to open up next year: The ones that are currently occupied by the fourth years. Our Don for next year is a second year. Being Don, she is guaranteed at least ONE of the singles. That leaves one single, and five people on the floor in doubles who want a single. Based on seniority rules, the two other girls currently in second year will get first dibs, and have taken to fighting amongst themselves over it. And that's making everyone on the floor irritated.
My roommate is one of those two second years, and she's applied to the Mature Student Residence as a second shot at a single. The other girl is, and always has been, vocal about her opinions, and lives across the hall from me. I just can't escape it. Other than the second year, there is an exchange student who has pick before me, and another first year who has to pick at the same time as me.
Now, I, for one, have already accepted the fact that I will most likely be living in a double with a frosh next year. That doesn't bug me as long as I can get the big one across the hall, and the side of the room that the door isn't on, but that shouldn't be a problem. Everyone else seems to be going nuts. At least two people have said they might not be back if they don't get singles, and two third years are hemming and hawing about getting an apartment. Their lack of a clear effort on that front further frustrates people. The mood is very tense. I wish everyone would lighten up. Not getting a single won't kill you.
It's going to be very quiet this weekend. Everyone seems to be going home to do just that. Not only is there an exodus from my floor going on, but I've heard of at least two more floors experiencing the same thing. Only 6 more weeks. I hope everyone hasn't killed each other by then.
On a lighter note, I found a new WK Fanmade music vid. It's to the tune of "A view to a Kill" The original song is sung by Duran Duran for the James Bond movie of the same title. Considering my fanfiction challenge up at Timbitz, I found it's existence to be amsuing. The vid is great, too.
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