These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.



I'm at Mako-chan's. I've been here for a week now, and she's cleaning. I've offered to help, but she won't let me, so that leaves me with not much to do but make posties.

I arrived on . . . saturday. Went to "Metro". It was pretty good. The music there was a lot like what they'd play at The Pub at university. Sunday Mako and I went to see Chicago with D while Z was gone. Movie was good, hanging out with Mako and D was better. Monday: bowling with Mako, Z and D. Much fun. Tuesday.... what did we do tuesday? Went to Pacific place where I found three Weiss DVDs, and hit the bowling alley there and played DDR. Wednesday we went to West Edmonton Mall where we hit the rides, and I found a Weiss Poster, an Utena poster, a Weiss wallscroll, and*drumroll please* a Weiss Drama CD. It's Glühen: Fight Fire with Fire. I don't understand it all, but it sounds kewl, and the fact that it's MINE, ALL MINE, MUA HA HA HA *hack* is enough for me. I so happy!

But anywhoo, on with the summary of my week. Thursday... went to Chinook with Mako and saw X2 and then to Eau Claire to play MORE DDR (my aching legs - not used to it). Friday: More Eau Claire for a bit with D and her friend, then we went to Casa de la Salsa, which was dead. We gave up there around one, took D and co. home, then went to Renegade's for a half hour. Saturday, yesterday: MORE Eau Claire with one of Mako's friends (Yum! Ice cream!) and then we went to Palace, where the place was nice, but the music sucked. And now you know how my week was.

Plans for next week: Tomorrow we leave for Radium and Banff, to return Tuesday. Other than the fact that I leave friday morning, I have no other plans. Get together with D again maybe?

I leave you with one thought:
Mako-chan! Z-kun! Your comp SUCKS!


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