These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.



Mom and Oma came over today.It was great. Mom came with presents. She bought me four new coffee mugs, despite the fact that I only asked her to bring up the one I'd gotten for christmas, cuz I didn't have enough mugs to serve the three of us coffee, and she brought me an easter basket. It contained a plush bunny (very cute), new Cleanser and Moisturizer (which I'd also asked her to bring) as well as various chocolates. I can't go home for easter this year: I'll be stuck in rez, studying for exams. That sucks.

After coffee, we went out to Culpeppers for brunch. It was good, but it made my stomach upset. I blame the perrogies. After Culpeppers, we went grocery shopping. Mom paid for me. We then went to the mall, and once we'd found it, looked through a few shops and ended up with four prints for Mom's clinic, and a card for my sister's birthday (Which I will also not be home for), paid for by Oma.

That's the thing about spending time with Oma. I just can't leave empty handed. She'll either buy me something, or give me something she already has. Mom has mentioned once that I'm one of Oma's favourite grandchildren. Whether this is because she used to baby-sit me when I was little, or whether it's because I'm the first of her grandchildren to go to university, I don't know. In all fairness, one of my older cousins DID go to college, for small engine repair. I'm grandkid number 7 out of 25. Still, the point is, I feel like Oma's spoiling me. When I spent the weekend with her during Reading week, I came home with a grocery bag full of stuff. I feel bad about accepting it all, but Oma doesn't take no for an answer. Still, she has 24 other grandkids, and I feel bad about wasting so much of Oma's money.

After our Mall-trolling, Mom and Oma had to go home. It's a 4 hour drive, and my little sister has school tomorrow morning. Not to mention the fact that Oma is old.

Anywhoo, I went back to rez with my groceries, and sang for year-end mass. Oma's thrilled that I'm at the catholic dorm here (Hence the religious services) But honestly, I don't go much. Whenever I'm not studying, I generally don't have the energy to drag myself next door to the chapel. I went to three masses this year. Start of year, Year end, and Father Max's first mass. I have one of the standard songs stuck in my head. It's called "Comme Lui", and in case you couldn't tell, it's french. ^^; Today, there was the awards ceremony after mass. That was my original motive for going. I didn't win anything. I didn't really expect to.

Going off on a tangent here: I remember once, I think it was my grade 12 retreat for Religion class. We were at the Church, doing various "be nice to ppl"-related activities. One such activity was a meditation session. I felt this... sensation... in the middle of my forehead. Sort of like when someone was holding a finger close. Close enough to touth the bitty hairs growing there, but not close enough to touch skin. If you don't know what I mean, I can't describe it any better than that. I was told that this was "positive energy flowing into me" or something like that. Now, the weird thing is, that when I'm at church during mass, and the mass is entirely in a language I understand (IE English), then I get the same feeling. Now, whether I meditate in Church, or whether Church has a meditative effect on me, I don't know.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that church is an incredibly amazing Religious experience, and I'm not saying that Catholicism is the be-all and end-all of religion. Heck, the Catholic church is messed up, and I admit it. I am also of the opinion that nothing messed up will change if you run away from it, so I continue to go to mass every few months and so on. The point is, the very basic message they teach, as I see it, works for me. As I see it, it's "Be nice to people. If everyone was nice to everyone else, the world would be a great place to be. It'd rock." And, assuming that my "Major Religions" class in grade 11 was accurate, that's also the basic message behind a LOT of other major religions. Every one we studied, I think. That still doesn't explain my meditative-like feeling, but oh well. It's nice and relaxing, so I'm not going to complain.

Anywhoo, off of Religion. I tried to stick in an email link in here, so here's hoping it works. Here's hoping that it works. Here's hoping that I can see my hit counter on Timbitz today, too. I'll go and check that right now.


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