At long last, I get off my lazy ass and post. Never mind that I'm only doing it while I wait for the sauce in my sidekick to thicken ^^;
Here's how my school situation is going for anyone who cares and even those of you who don't: I've applied to Co-Op, but as of yet I haven't heard anything. Supposedly, the Co-Op coordinator is waiting for our UNIX marks. DARN YOU STEVE, why can't you mark faster? Steve being the prof for that course, who said himself he wants to be called Steve.
My "Art of Work" I did as an assignment last year made it into this year's draft of the textbook which Dr Barry Adams (teaching Java 1 this year) wrote. He also showed it off in class when he told this year's class about said assignment. I know this cuz he told me himself.
The Student life centre hasn't asked me to tutor anyone yet.
I've got most of my Utena costume. All I'm missing are the shorts and the Sword of Dios.
I brought home imouto's UGLY orange blow-up chair (which has a slow leak) and brought my own from home (dark blue, no hole and MUCH bigger) because I've decided it WILL, in fact, fit in here. I still need to unpack my stuff from thanksgiving, do laundry, and blow the chair up... but I wanna Oekaki!
On that note, I have to read that binder about sucessful job interviewing.
I also feel the urge to colour something with pencil crayons.
Oh: True story: Thursday when I was packing to go home for thanksgiving, I tore my room apart looking for a certain gameboy game to play on the six-hour bus ride, to no avail. Doesn't it just figure I found it on tuesday? -_-+
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