It's now two weeks into the school year. My first assignment is due next tuesday. This is what's been going on the past few weeks.
Database Programming and Data Structures are pretty dry. UNIX is cool, mostly because of our professor, Steve. He's quite funny, and has a distaste for microsoft. ^^;.... Greek Civ is moving along much like Roman Civ did, which means it'll be easy, and my Anthropology prof has a tendency to go off on tangents, allowing me to possibly get some sketching done.
I applied to be a tutor this week. Why? Because it pays $8 an hour, and I need the money. Grocery money. And speaking of jobs, I have to apply for Co-op this semester. The first work term is in second semester. I talked to Dr. Barry Adams (who was a prof of mine last year, and is a generally cool guy) said he thought I'd have no problems getting in... and then signed my form so I could tutor his first year students.
I farted around for a while with the idea of partitioning my hard drive and installing linux, but I think I'm just gonna f**k the idea and use the *gasp!* Sun lab.
I hit Wal-Mart and got my coat hangers. For a kettle, my hotpot will do until I go home for thanksgiving.
Today and tomorrow are club days in the Bowling alley. I signed up for the Computer Science Club and the Anime club. The CSC has a LAN party scheduled for the end of the month, and I hear the Anime Club starts up on friday. I showed up for a karate session put together today. It was free this time but I assume if I continue to show up for their thrice-weekly sessions, I'll have to pay sometime. It was fun. It was a great workout. My triceps are sore and the rest of me is stiff. I think I'll go again friday. I NEED the workout... and besides, I wanted to get more exercise this year than I did last year, which was none.
I'm planning on starting to put together a hallowe'en costume together saturday. I want to go as Utena. To that end, I've managed to find a wig. The boy-shorts shouldn't be TOO hard... now where am I going to get the shirt and a rose signet, not to mention a Sword of Dios?
I should redo the look of this blog. It's getting old. Maybe I will after I get a few halloween pics cranked out.
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