These are the random thoughts of one particular university senior...anyway, She's also an anime Fangirl....FanWoman... Raving Anime Fan... That's good. I like that term.. Be afraid. When I say Random, I mean it.


It's exam season, so I can only spare time for a quick note.

  • Remember Koyasu-clone from my comp sci class? Well he's been growing his hair out lately, and he doesn't look quite as good anymore. NOO! Cut your hair!

  • I went to the mall today to cash some checks and get something to eat. Père Noël was walking around the food court for a bit... he reminded me of Sinter Klaas. I mean, today IS the feast of St Nicholas. It's on this day that SinterKlaas goes to Holland to deliver his gifts, not on Christmas. I got a present for Sinter Klaas last year. My mom went to holland, and brought me back a set of Watercolour Pencils. Anywhoo, it was OBVIOUSLY Père Noël and not Santa Claus, due to his costume. He had a staff, that curled at the end and a bishop's hat (decorated), and a long robe. Any anglophone there might have easily mistaken him for Albus Dumbledore, all dressed up fancy.

  • But anywhoo. I'm back now (duh)... I have my TV dinner and my Chocolate Raspberry (I love those things) and now I should get off my lazy ass and study.


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